Lego Music Studio
Lego Music Studio
Hi today I'll be giving you some ideas about how you can build your very own music studio with legos!!!!
Down below I've written a few ideas of what you can put in your music studio and what I put in mine. Happy Reading!😊
- The first thing I made in my music studio was a drum. I made it using 2 stool like pieces and then I put a smooth top piece on it, and then as drum sticks I used 2 small white sticks.
- The second thing I made was a xylophone. I made a table, and then I put a few small smooth pieces on top with different colors.
- The third thing I made was a front desk because you can buy music books, instruments, and you can repair your instruments. I made a table, and then put a cash register piece on top of the table.
- The fourth and final thing I made was the place where music books are kept. I made a table and then I made a thing for the book to lean on.
Good luck making your lego music studio!!!
Love the xylophone and drums